Thanks to a very recent and very generous donation from Walmart Sylvan Lake, we’ve got some really exciting news that will hopefully enable more of you to fly! The Walmart representative requested that their donation go towards discounted flights for young people, so we are very pleased to make the following announcement:
The first five young women, ages 14-21, who arrive at Innisfail Airport and sign up for an intro flight this Saturday will receive 50% off the cost of the flight. That’s right – an introductory flight for only $50!
Why are we limiting the discount to young women? Well, part of our mandate is to promote aviation as a hobby and possibly a career to women, so it makes sense to focus on younger people. Younger people also tend to have less buying power, but if you’re 14 and have a paper route, you can probably afford this flight.
Perhaps most importantly, if you fit into this age range, you are both old enough to fly and young enough to qualify for a variety of Soaring Association of Canada bursaries and incentive programs that will keep you in the air, even through post-secondary school. So come on out and see if soaring is for you – gliding on a youth bursary is a very affordable way to follow your highest-flying dreams. You might just be flying airplanes before you learn to drive a car. :)